
环境工程专业留学|2015年08月28日 09:56
  Northwestern University Evanston, IL (综合排名12)

  项目:The Master of Engineering Management (MEM)

  MEM项目有灵活的形式--全日制和非全日制,夜校为那些工作的人设置,安排在周一到周四晚6点半到9点。学生在任何一个academic quarter 申请,有12个课程,如果学生每个quarter上一节的话需要3年时间完成,每个quarter上4节的话可以在一年内完成,一般的学生会选择2到3年完成这个项目。是基于一个集成的办法来管理产品、过程、信息和通信技术,同时提供机会在这些领域中的任何一个专业知识方面有更好的发展。

  Required Core-6 Courses
  IEMS 402: Engineering Management (gateway course)
  IEMS 403: Accounting for Engineers
  IEMS 404: Financial Issues for Engineers
  IEMS 405: Marketing Issues for Engineers
  IEMS 407: Decision Tools for Managers
  IEMS 424: Leadership and Organizational Behavior*(新增课程,2015年秋季之后的学生都需要修)
  IEMS 437: Strategic Management for Engineers (capstone course)

  Advanced Engineering Methods for Management-任选两门
  IEMS 415: Computer Simulation for Risk & Operations Analysis计算机模拟和风险运营分析
  IEMS 417: Product Development for Engineers 产品开发
  IEMS 426: Project Management项目管理
  IEMS 427: Operations Analysis运营分析
  IEMS 428: Design for Six Sigma
  IEMS 486: Supply Chain Management供应链管理
  IEMS 490: Operations Excellence运营卓越
  IEMS 420: Organizing for Innovation组织创新
  IEMS 495: NUvention Medical (counts as 1)
  DSGN 495: Designing & Leveraging Organizational Networks
  EECS 495: NUvention Web
  ISEN 430: NUvention Energy (counts as 1)

  Electives 选修课(从以下学院或项目中选3门课,其中两门必须是工程学院以外的课程)
  MEM Program
  Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences Department

  MMM program (a joint program between the engineering school and the business school)
  Kellogg School of Management
  Learning and Organizational Change Program from the School of Education and Social Policy

  Master of Project Management Program
  Optional Concentrations可选分支:
  Managerial Analytics (choose any 3 courses)
  IEMS 415: Computer Simulation for Risk & Operations Analysis
  IEMS 427: Operations Analysis
  IEMS 428: Design for Six Sigma
  IEMS 486: Supply Chain Management
  IEMS 490: Operations Excellence
  IEMS 490: Managerial Analytics

  Design & Innovation (choose any 3 courses)
  IEMS 417: Product Development
  IEMS 419: Technical Entrepreneurship
  IEMS 420: Organizing for Innovation
  IEMS 495: NUvention Medical
  IEMS 495: NUvention Web
  EECS 495: NUvention Energy
  DSGN 495: Innovation Frontiers MMM
  DSGN 495: Design & Leveraging Organizational Networks
  DSGN 495: Design Research

  Project and Process Management (choose any 3 courses)
  IEMS 416: Business Process Change Management
  IEMS 420: Organizing for Innovation
  IEMS 424: Leadership and Organizational Behavior
  IEMS 426: Project Management
  IEMS 429: Negotiations for Engineers
  IEMS 490: Systems Engineering and Architecture
  MS-LOC 440: Strategic Change: Methods for Practice I

  费用:(国际生) 2015 - 2016 academic year
  学费:$4,651 per course (times 12 courses) ——学费要根据你每个quarter选的课程数量来定,如果没Quarter修4门课,那么学费为$15,882。
  生活费:$18,000 to 22,000
  总费用: $70,000 to $73,000

  ★Calculus Based Statistics Course是先行条件,但是不要求申请前就完成,一般会安排在入学第一年
  Fall Quarter:August 15(June 1 for International Students*)
  Winter Quarter:November 15
  Spring Quarter:February 15
  Summer Quarter:May 15

  Class Profile
  Average number of Students: 110
  Average Age: 33
  Average years of employment: 10 years
  Average undergraduate GPA: 3.4
  Students with advanced degrees: 30%
  Over 50 companies are represented in the program.


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